Prime Meridian Map | World Map with Prime Meridian

The Prime Meridian Map and with longitude is an angle pointing either to the west or east from the Greenwich Meridian. Based on theoretical knowledge, the term Greenwich Meridian is known as the prime meridian. The term longitude can be defined as 180 degrees east from the prime meridian, and 180 degrees west from the prime meridian.

World Map with Prime Meridian

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The world map with prime meridian and equator enables the user to understand the locations identified with respect to both of these elements. The equator and prime meridian are represented in the form of two circles extending all the way around the earth. The Northern and Southern hemispheres of the world map, have been divided by the equator, which is positioned at 0-degree latitude. The world map of the prime meridian shows that the prime meridian separates Western Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere. Through England and Greenwich, the prime meridian passes with an angle of 0-degree latitude.

Prime Meridian Map Labeled

Prime Meridian Map Labeled


In the world map with prime meridian Labeled, it can be seen that the term meridian is considered as a line of longitude in a geographic coordinate system. In this position, the longitude is defined to be equivalent to 0°.  In the world map, a prime meridian and its anti-meridian are together labeled to form a great circle and is known as, the 180th meridian in a 360°-system. This is recognized and labeled as a great circle dividing the spheroid into two hemispheres.

Prime Meridian Map

Prime Meridian Map


If one uses directions of east and west from a defined prime meridian, they can be labeled as the Eastern Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere, respectively. It may be seen that prime meridians are established on most of the major celestial bodies of the Solar System that includes some large moons and the planets. There are eight countries that can be located on either side of the labeled world map of prime meridian. On the left-hand side of the labeled world map with prime meridian, the countries located, include the United Kingdom, Spain, Mali, and Ghana.

Map of the World with Prime Meridian

Map of World with Prime Meridian


On the right-hand side of the labeled world map with prime meridian, the countries located, include France, Algeria, Burkina, and Togo. Since the labeled world map of the prime meridian divides the earth into eastern and western hemispheres, the other labeled entities include Asia and Africa in the Eastern hemisphere. Similarly, the North and South Americas are labeled in the Western hemisphere.

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