Printable Blank Map of New Mexico -Outline Transparent map

A Blank Map of New Mexico can be used by users like students and researchers to identify its exact location on the world map. This blank map of New Mexico allows the user to include whatever information he or she needs. In general, the blank map of New Mexico is used for conducting tests in a classroom session with respect to geography.

Blank Map of New Mexico – Outline

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Besides, this map serves the purpose of imparting knowledgeable education to school-going children from primary level to secondary level. While viewing the blank map of New Mexico outline. It can be seen that New Mexico is recognized as a land-locked state situated in the Mountain Division of the southwestern part of the US. Considering from a clockwise direction. This state has Colorado in the north.

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In the east it has borders with Texas and Oklahoma. In the south, New Mexico has borders with the Mexican states of Chihuahua and Arizona. The land area covered by New Mexico state is 121,590 square miles or 314,917 kilometers, making this it the fifth largest among the other US states. While comparing its area with Poland, its area is about the size of Poland or slightly smaller or half the size of Texas. The estimated population of New Mexico state in the year 2021 is 2,105,005.

Printable Map of New Mexico

Printable Map of New Mexico


It is possible for users like students and other researchers to access various types of fully printable maps of New Mexico in several sizes. Besides, the map depicting various options of color is available to the user from the web. It can be used for personal and classroom use. Users can print the printable map of New Mexico in just one single click. Using a home printer or can be printed from the outside market.

Printable Map of New Mexico


Transparent PNG Blank Map of New Mexico

Transparent PNG Blank Map of New Mexico


Through the use of a transparent PNG New Mexico map. It is possible for the user to have knowledge about the geographical objects of this state. All that the user has to do is to click on the map to view such a geographic region of New Mexico in a transparent manner. As a part of a homework assignment, students can develop a PowerPoint Presentation of the state with all details indicated therein.

Blank Map of New Mexico


Blank New Mexico Map Worksheet

Blank New Mexico Map worksheet


The New Mexico worksheet is specially designed for students who intend to learn the geography of New Mexico state. Availability of the practice sheet on the web is possible and it can be printed readily. This can be downloaded through the print option from a home-based printer, free of charge.

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If not, the user can get it printed from outside. This practice worksheet consists of a set of questions, enabling the user to mark appropriate answers with regular practice. By the user the worksheet can also be used as a test paper by answering the given questions within a specific time frame. The user can practice this several times. So that he or she can gain the desired proficiency in the geography of New Mexico state.

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