Labeled Map of Wyoming with Capital & Cities

The Labeled Map of Wyoming provides the details as to where Wyoming state is situated in the US. Wyoming is one among the fifty states in the US, which is a rectangle-shaped landlocked state, situated in the Mountain Division. It is in the western region of the mainland of the US. In the north, this state has borders with Montana. In the east, with Nebraska and Nevada. In the south, it has borders with Utah and Colorado, and in the west, with Idaho state. From the general labeled map of Wyoming, this state shows the boundaries surrounding it, which includes other details, such as the location of the state capital city, populated places and major cities, lakes and rivers, principal highways and interstate highways and railroad formations.

Labeled Map of Wyoming

Wyoming is recognized as the tenth largest state in the US with a total land area of 97,818 square miles or 253, 348 square kilometers. When compared, the area of Wyoming is found to be somewhat larger than that of the United Kingdom. When compared with other US states, the area of Wyoming would fit into Texas almost three times, but is eleven times larger than that of New Jersey. Wyoming is ranked as fiftieth with regard to its population count. It has a population count of about 578,000 inhabitants as estimated in 2018. This population figure makes Wyoming as the least populated state in the US.

Labeled Map of Wyoming


Some of the rivers that flow in the state, include Bear River, Belle Fourche River, Big Sandy River, Bighorn River, Cheyenne River, Clarks Fork, Yellowstone River, Green River, Laramie River, Little Missouri River and Yellow Stone River. Majority of population follow Christianity, followed by Protestants including Evangelical Protestants.

Labeled Map of Wyoming Printable

Labeled Map of Wyoming Printable


As a part of the labeled map of Wyoming with states, the state is divided into twenty-three counties. Some of the names of these counties, include Washakie County, Weston County, Teton County, and Sublette County.

Labeled Map of Wyoming with Cities

Labeled Map of Wyoming with Cities


As a part of the labeled map of Wyoming with cities, the names of large cities in the Wyoming state that has a population count of more than 20,000, include Casper, Laramie, Gillette, and Rock Springs.

Labeled Wyoming Map with Capital

From labeled Wyoming with capital, Cheyenne is recognized as the capital city of the state, since 1869. It is situated in the southeastern corner region of the state and is the seat of Laramie County. It is the distribution as well as trade center for the middle Rocky Mountain region. Important economic activities of the city cover governmental activities, tourism, healthcare, plastics, chemicals, livestock interests, timber, and transportation.

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The city is considered as an important Air Force Base with headquarters that houses the nation’s first Atlas intercontinental ballistic missile base. The city has a museum under the name, Wyoming State Museum, and the Historic Governor’s Mansion is situated nearby. The city’s state capital building has a lantern-type cupola placed on top of a dome-shaped structure displaying the Western murals.

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